Jessica and Jack Portrait

February 3, 2023

I decided to do one more portrait (I normally do not do portraits, and usually work in ink instead of pencil), and this time I decided to go with Jessica, the founder and head of the sanctuary I help out with art and online stuff, and Jack the goat of The Farm Micro Sanctuary.

Sketched on 6×8 drawing paper in blue pencil using one of Jessica’s photos as a reference. Finished with HB, 2H, & 4H art pencils.

Since I knew I would be scanning this, I didn’t care if the undersketch in blue pencil (how I usually work with inks as well) showed on the original. Once I reached this stage, I made a few adjustments just before going in with pencil, as well as made a few changes as I was finishing the drawing.

And here is how the portrait looks in “real life” in my sketchbook:

As I mentioned above, I typically do not do portraits, nor do I take commissions. I’m wanting to focus on personal art. This is probably the last of the recent “portrait series” that were to get me drawing again after a holiday and “oh no, the scanner/printer stopped working… need a similar one!” setback that kept me from doing art for longer than planned. 😉