DFWCG 2011 Georgian Picnic Photos

DFWCG 2011 Georgian Picnic

To see more photos from the picnic, click the link at the bottom of this entry, or go to the "Image Gallery" on the header above.

The Dallas Ft Worth Costume Guild (DFWCG) had their third annual Georgian Picnic on November 19th at the Ft Worth Botanical Gardens.

I have wanted to attend since the beginning, but sadly did not have a completed costume.  This year, I finally had one!  I wanted to wear another jacket since I have worn this costume before, but I was trying to finish something for my husband.  Unfortunately, a lot of things came up and distracted me every time I tried to make progress on Christopher’s costume, so I didn’t finish it in time.  We decided it wasn’t worth the stress and there would be other events.

We had a blast, and plenty of people dressed up.  I am still a little unfamiliar with some of the members of this group.  When it first started, I was going to join and then had to stop sewing for a few years.  I’m hoping to finally join in the next month or so, and am looking forward to more events so I can wear the 18th and 19th century costumes I make and meet fellow costumers. Everyone we’ve met through the group has been a blast!

My husband was taking photos for me on our iPhones, and he ended up focusing more on me.  He was a little shy about taking photos of people he hasn’t met before, so I didn’t get as many photos of some of the members.  We’ll get better about it over time.  It can be hard to worry about photos when you’re having fun!  Plus, security at the Gardens thought we were professional photographers, when all we wanted was a few snapshots of our fun time out.

Some of us brought period toys and games to play.  There was a period kite, the game of graces, some wooden toys (like tops) for the kids, and even a yo-yo.  The graphic the DFWCG used to advertise the event showed a period drawing with people playing with diabolos.  A member had a smaller, wooden, period diabolo, but we all had trouble getting it to work.  Christopher and I juggle and have a modern diabolo, so we brought ours out and took photos as well as taught some of the members how to use it.  It was definitely a hit, and at least one person is wanting to buy one to practice for next year’s picnic!

Christopher and I also juggled a little.  Unfortunately, we don’t have period juggling props, but we just can’t resist a little juggling at a picnic in the park!  While I was pleasantly surprised that I could work with the diabolo while wearing my costume, juggling wasn’t as comfortable as I would have liked (mostly due to my mitts, which are unfortunately tight on my hands due to the fabric having less give on the bias than I originally thought).  I only juggled three balls, and didn’t bother with the clubs.

I’ve posted some of my photos (including a few from friends) from the Third Annual DFWCG Georgian Picnic here.

We had a blast, and I’m looking forward to attending future events.  In fact, I’m hoping the weather holds up for a 19th century event coming up!

About Cynthia Griffith

I have way too many interests and hobbies, and continually cycle through them -- paying attention to some, while others wait for when I can get around to them again. My main interests are sewing and costuming (I enjoy historical clothing, such as 18th and 19th century, as well as fantasy costumes like elves and hopefully someday even dwarves), as well as getting back to art by drawing fan art of Thorin Oakenshield and Company. My husband Christopher and I spend a lot of time together, enjoying the outdoors and shared hobbies such as juggling. This blog and website is my way to share what I'm up to with friends and family.
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4 Responses to DFWCG 2011 Georgian Picnic Photos

  1. I love the photo you used for this entry…it looks like something from a period film!

    It was a very fun day, and I hope the weather cooperates this weekend.

    I think the neatest thing about the picnic were all the accessories. It really makes it something even more special. When you guys were running around with the kite, just all the people at the garden flocking to you. It really looked like a moment out of time.

  2. Shawn says:

    You know, the picture does remind me of Martin Scorsese’s “The Age of Innocence”…

    Great post — sounds like it was a fun time!

  3. Mary says:

    Looking at the pictures – it’s a page out of time. Beautiful shots of beautiful women and dresses. A really fun time, I am sure. Looking forward to more pictures of the upcoming weekend event.

  4. @Christopher: When I saw that photo, I knew I had to use it for the entry. It’s awesome! It was a blast — I only wish I had finished your costume in time. Ah well, there’s always next year (not to mention other events this spring). And I agree, the accessories and games made it an event!

    @Shawn: Thanks so much for visiting and replying! It was definitely a fun time!

    @Mary: Thank you! Yes, it was a blast. I think I’m going to be disappointed this weekend though — the weather isn’t looking good. We’ve decided we’re not going if it rains. 🙁 I wonder if there is another Victorian event somewhere this month so I can get my holiday costuming fix? Hmmm….

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