Dianna and Sweet Dee Portrait Sketch

February 1, 2023

Due to a holiday break that went on too long (I also ended up having to replace the scanner/printer I also use for my art and took some time researching to make sure I got what I needed), plus other things going on… I ended up in quite the blah mood.

You know how it is when your heart just isn’t quite into something? I was going through that. I sketched a bunch of rough “don’t care” silly doodles to get something down on a page at least. After that, I wanted to keep pushing through and remind myself that yes, I know how to draw and have been doing it for a long time.

I wasn’t sure what I wanted to draw, but while looking through a friend’s posts of herself with her rescue chicken, Sweet Dee, I felt inspired. I saw a video of her giving Sweet Dee a kiss, grabbed a quick screenshot of the moment, and started sketching.

Sketched in non photo copy blue pencil, finished with black pencil on 6×8 drawing paper.

And here is the “real life” drawing in my sketchbook just to show the difference from scan and photo:

I ended up drawing one more portrait of a friend here (this time in pencils with a little more finished look). I typically don’t draw portraits for people or take commissions. I’m hoping I can finally focus on getting things back on track for my personal art.